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Learn To Speak Like A Pro

Here’s What You’ll Get:
​The LEARN TO SPEAK LIKE A PRO Speaking Mastery Retreat: A 3-Day Retreat to help you: Expand your influence by learning to leverage your passion, your personality, and your presence using proven formulas, strategies, and techniques.
​BONUS #1: The LEARN TO SPEAK LIKE A PRO ON-LINE e-LEARNING PROGRAM – a COMPLETE video series training program with speaking templates, strategies, and techniques to help develop your skill as a speaker. ($2997 value)
​BONUS #2: Sample speaking contracts to take the guess work out.
BONUS #3: Sample letter of confirmation to guarantee you and the meeting planner are both on the same page – and, if you like simple, this will serve as your contract, depending on the complexity you need.
BONUS #4: Sample letter requesting testimonials, making the request for testimonials ultra-easy.
BONUS #5: Places to get speaking engagements.
​BONUS #6: Sample introductions to ensure your introduction connects with the audience, reinforces your purpose for being there, and guarantees you credibility before you open your mouth to speak.

Welcome & Overview

Lesson #1: Welcome & Overview

Module 1:  What Every Professional Speaker Must Master

Lesson #1: 5 D's that Propel the Professional Speaker
17 Minutes
Lesson #2: The 1st Impression that Puts You in the Winner Circle
15 Minutes
Lesson #3: Maximize Your Persuasive Power: Capture the Head and Heart of Your Listener
24 Minutes
Lesson #4: The ARC of a Winning Speech/Presentation
16 Minutes

Module 2: Simple Speech Designs that Work

Lesson #1: Lesson 1: Easy Peesy Guidelines and Game Plans
13 Minutes
Lesson #2: Lesson 2: Attract Attention and Keep "em Riveted
16 Minutes
Lesson #3: Lesson 3: Create Content that Connects: Engage, Entertain, and Triumph
21 Minutes
Lesson #4: Lesson 4: The Close: Inspire Action
19 Minutes

Module 3: Presenting with Passion

Lesson #1: Lesson 1: Presence - Your Inner Source of Platform Power
16 Minutes
Lesson #2: Lesson 2: Using Sign Language
25 Minutes
Lesson #3: Lesson 3: The Power of the Pause
14 Minutes
Lesson #4: Lesson 4: Voice Power - Speak to Win
18 Minutes

Module 4: Calming the Jitters

Lesson #1: Lesson 1: Fear of Public Speaking and How to Master It
15 Minutes
Lesson #2: Lesson 2: Calm the Willies and Increase Competence & Confidence
12 Minutes
Lesson #3: Lesson 3: MORE Ways to Conquer the Willies (Symptoms of Stage Fright)
19 Minutes
Lesson #4: Lesson 4: Practices for Less Stress & a More Powerful Presence
15 Minutes

Lesson 5: Electrify Your Audience - Magnify the Learning Experience

Lesson #1: Lesson 1: Humor - Necessary Ingredient of a Great Speaker
17 Minutes
Lesson #2: Lesson 2: What's the Threat? - Learn How to Discern Underlying Fear
14 Minutes
Lesson #3: Lesson 3: Fielding Question with Finesse
19 Minutes
Lesson #4: Lesson 4: Room Arrangements and Microphones that Set You Up for Success
19 Minutes

Bonus Modules

Lesson #1: BONUS: Modules at Event
Lesson #2: Bonus PDF's

Live Coaching Calls

IGNITE Platinum - Mastermind/Coaching/Educational Program

Enrolled: 0 students
Lectures: 23
Level: Intermediate