Post-Pandemic Business – A New Normal?

Post-Pandemic Business – A New Normal?
(An Inside Look at Post-COVID)
Would you like to have an inside look at some important business changes organizations will need to consider going forward? Are you interested in what a post-pandemic normal might look like? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, you may want to listen to my interview with guest expert in customer excellence, Bradly Sax, Global Director of Guest Experience/Operational Excellence for Delaware North, as he shares how things are going to be different, not just for the hospitality industry, but for most businesses in 2021 and beyond.
Business Changes Post-COVID
(Interview with Bradly Sax, Global Director of Guest Experience/Operational Excellence for Delaware North)
The pandemic and the changes brought with massive shutdowns across the country taught us some things about how we do business that we might never have even considered pre-COVID. For instance, who would have thought that many of us (or perhaps all of us) would have to reevaluate our systems, processes, and procedures to make them more streamlined, efficient, and agile. I know one company who was still issuing hand-signed checks because they had not yet digitized their payroll. The old system that had never been updated was ripe for errors. Big wake-up call for that company of almost 7000 employees. Who would have thought that we would be having our doctor’s appointments virtually. Personally, I found my mid-year appointment just as complete, but much more convenient and less time wasting. Another big lesson that hit home with me was how important it was to have cash reserves. Much of my work disappeared with the shutdown, but my business expenses did not. I was incredibly grateful for an unusually profitable first couple of months in 2020 (typically slower months for me) that helped me navigate the rest of the year financially. Many people found a family closeness that they had not experienced in a long time, or maybe ever. Because they wanted to keep that togetherness post-COVID, they have made changes in their lives to guarantee it. One gentleman I know turned down a promotion because it would take him away from his family for even longer periods of time. During COVID he realized just how significant his spouse and children were to him and all that he had been missing even without the extra hours that promotion would cost him. The list goes on. I am sure that if we created a list of all the changes – both at work and in our personal lives – we would identify not only the cost of the losses many have faced, but also the many opportunities for growth and change. My guess is you’ve had those conversations with family, friends, and co-workers. If you want to hear about some things you may not have already considered, check out this video interview above I did with Bradly Sax, Global Director of Guest Experience/Operational Excellence at Delaware North.
May 2021 bring you unexpected blessings!
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