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Do You Feel Like a Heart Whose Body is Rejecting You?


Heart Donor or Member of Rejecting Body

 Effectiveness as a leader or as an organization begins with self-awareness. Therefore, the following question:

As a leader in your organization, are you feeling like a “rejected heart donor” or, perhaps, a member of the “rejecting body?” This analogy came straight from the mouth of my friend Jocelyn who shared her current work situation with me. 

“I feel like a heart donor identified as the perfect match. The surgery went well. But now the body is rejecting the heart.”

“Wow!” I replied. “Sounds like you were hired for your expertise, creativity, and value and you’ve since discovered that the host isn’t interested in using your gifts?”

“Exactly,” she said.

She has been with her current employer for over a year now, and every effort she has made to bring the transformations for which she was hired have failed to get approval by the C-suite. Their unwillingness to approve changes she’s recommended became glaringly clear with the COVID-19 shutdown. It seems that the company has been too busy fighting fires, doing the urgent, to take time to focus on important things like relationship building,technological agility, long-term planning,  finding new opportunities, and personal growth.

They are suffering as a result, and Jocelyn is deeply frustrated, feeling like a heart donor that’s being rejected by the body.

My initial question phrased differently.

Are you a leader who feels frustrated and stuck because your gifts and talents are not being recognized or valued by top leadership –like a rejected heart donor?


are you a senior leader in an underperforming organization that has rejected the gifts and talents of those you hired to make your organization successful?

And the faster you run the farther behind you fall?

Hopefully, you are neither of the above leaders. But…

…if you can identify in some way with either one
…if your inner voice is telling you it’s time to get the outside help you need…

know that help is available.

If you are the rejected heart, it is possible for you to:

  • get crystal clear as to your negotiables and non-negotiables before you commit to working for any organization.
  • work for an organization that is the perfect fit for your talent and gifts.
  • operate from strength rather than fear.

If you are part of the rejecting body, it is possible to:

  • lead people in a way that demonstrates a respect for their dignity and leaves them feeling valued, recognized, and appreciated, willing to go above and beyond for you and the organization.
  • lead people who are loyal to you and the organization because they know that leadership from the top down cares enough to coach, train, mentor, and support them.
  • become an organization that is led by a team of authentic aligned leaders who are confident, competent, and caring, able to motivate and inspire teams of people to innovate and achieve corporate goals that put them in the ranks of high performing companies.

The list of possibilities is long. And it can become a reality if your leadership team possesses high levels of self-awareness and are committed to leading at their highest and best, willing to get and stay on the path of continuous improvement.

The Aligned Leader Institute can help you. We have the tools, the methods, and the approach to get you where you want to be as a leader or as an organization.

If you want to know more about what it takes to become an authentic aligned leader, and the benefits to you and/or the organization, check out the videos on this website: and when ready, fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Guaranteed, we can help.


(c) 2020    Mary Jane Mapes   All rights reserved.

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