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Real Leaders Who Bring a Aura of Peace to Every Meeting


Authentic Aligned Leaders Are Like a Thermostat

Analogies are powerful for not only comparing two things that are unalike, but also clarifying and explaining the meaning of the thing being compared. Here is a comparison I find particularly useful.

Did you know that, as a leader, you have the power and the responsibility to not only set a positive climate in any work situation, but the power to shift an undesirable atmosphere to something much more productive?  Like a thermostat, you either set the atmosphere or you allow someone else to set it.

Should you walk into a situation where negative energy is swirling, you have the ability and the responsibility to shift the energy.

In a positive atmosphere, people feel safe and energy to be creative, innovative, and productive is available.

In an atmosphere of tension and negativity, life is sucked out of the room and productivity plummets.

You set the thermostat for a positive atmosphere.

How to Set the Thermostat for a Positive Climate

You set the atmosphere by your own peaceful, poised presence.  The moment you walk into the room coming from a place of peace within, people sense it.  They know that something has shifted in the room. And there is something about you that attracts them. What is it? It is that internal peace that communicates that you are the leader – someone they look to for wisdom and guidance.

Authentic Aligned Leaders, performing at their highest and best, know how to not only take the temperature in the room, but how to go far beyond by setting the thermostat for the kind of climate they wish to produce.

If you want to know how authentic aligned leaders create that peace, able to get much better results for their people…

…maybe it’s time we talked. Visit my website page .

While there, check out the videos. And when you’re ready, fill out the contact form and hit submit. I’ll follow up with a phone call.

Let’s talk. Because guaranteed, we can help youGuaranteed.


(c) 2020  Mary Jane Mapes  All rights reserved.

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